REM Eclipse Backup Batch File is Running REM This is an example batch file that will backup the Eclipse directory^ to a network drive. This file assumes Eclipse is installed in the^ default directory (C:\Eclipse) and points at hypothetical "E:" drive.^ Make sure your settings match your local needs. REM If you're using your own backup utility, split this batch file in^ two at the xcopy command, include the next REM statement and following^ two lines in the second batch file, and REM or delete the xcopy^ command line as in the following examples. REM EXAMPLE - This would be your first batch file:^ c:^ cd\eclipse^ start /w xlshdown.exe^ exit^ REM EXAMPLE - This would be your second batch file:^ c:^ cd\eclipse^ start /w xlstartup.exe T T T^ exit^ REM Point to Eclipse directory for all processing during this process. c: cd\eclipse REM Run the xlshdown executable to Shutdown Eclipse and Eclipse-COMM. start /w xlshdown.exe REM Copy the contents of the Eclipse folder to a network folder, assume^ the destination is a directory, that all subdirectories will be copied^ (even if empty), and overwrite existing files without prompting. xcopy *.* e:\backup\eclipse /i/e/y REM Start up Eclipse and Eclipse-COMM. start /w xlstartup.exe T T T exit