XL200 Series Options

There are several different XL200 series controller models available from AMS Controls. Each model may be configured to operate in different modes depending on the options available. The basic controller model number indicates the base model of the controller without options (for example, XL200CL indicates a base controller for a closed-loop system).

Additional optional features will change the controller model number by adding the associated letter or letters to the end of the basic model number. For example, an XL200CLB is a closed-loop controller with optional Bundle Tag printing.

XL Series Controller

Below is a list of options currently available for the XL200 series controllers. Please note that not all options are available with all base models. Adding options may require a paid upgrade or paid hardware change. For questions regarding a specific system, contact AMS Controls.


Capable of operating two presses with no gags.


Capable of operating one press with one gag or two presses with no gags.


Capable of operating one press with five gags, six presses with no gags, or any combination of presses and gags totaling 6.


Capable of operating one press with eleven gags, twelve presses with no gags, or any combination of presses and gags totaling twelve.


Used primarily for Schlebach machines. Has a shear up complete input as well as press up complete inputs. Up to six presses including the shear.


Tile machine controller.


Capable of operating one press with four gags, five presses with no gags, or any combination of presses and gags totaling five. Two of the presses can be closed loop.

Closed Loop (CL)

Supports the use of a servo driven feeder or die accelerator systems. May be limited based on additional options.

Print on Part (P)

Supports direct-to-controller integrated ink jet printing for part marking systems and tag printers.

Bundle Print (B)

Supports direct-to-controller integrated bundle ticket printing.

Auxiliary/Slave Controller (S)

An auxiliary controller can be used when the S option is purchased. With this option, the XL200 series controller supports up to 8 downstream controllers.

Analog (AA)

This option allows the operator to vary line speeds automatically depending on the length of the part being produced. Analog output is proportional to part length for flying die lines. Allows full control of speed and direction for open loop feed-to-stop lines.

Alternating Press (L)

Allows two presses to be defined as one press. The controller will automatically distribute press targets between the two presses. Often used on stud lines that run at high speeds to avoid overlapping punches.

Brake and Hump (U)

Supports brake and hump lines.

Continuous Press Option (C)

Continuous press support for a closed loop feed-to-stop.

Hydraulic (Y)

Closed loop hydraulic support.

Extended Macro (M)

A standard XL200 series controller can be programmed with as many as 25 macro patterns using pattern numbers 975-999. Those requiring more macro patterns add the M option, enabling the customer to access as many as 350 macro patterns. With this option, the range of extended macro patterns is 650-999.

Multi-Axis (X) *

Support for Y/Z axis positioning.

Tube Mill (T)

Supports continuous operation machines such as tube mills and extrusion machines.


SERCOS II, Class C interface support for closed loop.

PLC Interface (I)

PLC integration using Modbus protocol. Most I/O can be memory mapped to PLC, high level data can be published from controller to PLC. Click here for more information on this option.

Flying Gags (F)

Supports multiple gags on a closed loop flying die.

Hole Detect (H)

Provides hole detect functionality. The controller will detect the leading edge of a piece of material, detect a single hole, or detect and count a series of holes.

Fleece Applicator (KMF)

Supports KMF fleece applicators.

Rotary (RE)

Rotary support for closed loop flying applications. The following press types are supported: rotary, crank, eccentric, and linear.

Multi-Hit Die Accelerator (MHA)

Supports a closed loop flying die line that can fire on multiple targets during die stroke without returning home between targets.

Dual Multi-Hit Multi-Press Die Accelerator (MHA2)

Supports a closed loop flying die that can fire on multiple targets during die stroke without returning home between targets. Supports two closed loop flying die axes.

Dual Rotary/Crank/Flying Die (MRE2)

Dual rotary/crank/flying die software. Each axis can be configured with any of the three options. The following press types are supported: rotary, crank, eccentric, and linear.

Stick-Fed (SGF)

Supports a stick-fed line (servo grip feed or servo feed rolls).

Spiral Duct (SPD)

Supports a spiral duct machine. Open loop feed-to-stop only.