Technical Support
- A Case for Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
- Basic Methods of Length Control
- Benefits of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) - Deutsch
- Coil Handling
- Continuous Improvement - Tube & Pipe Journal
- Continuous Improvement in Roll Forming
- Encoder Tracking and Mounting
- Improving Roll Forming Operations
- Part Marking
- Roll Forming and Industry 4.0
- Roll Forming: The Four Basic Machine Types
- Servo Control for Improving Roll Formed Production
XL200 Series Support
- Battery Replacement
- Calibrating the Touchscreen of an XL200 Controller
- Extending XL200 Controls with PLC Integration
- Solving Memory Loss and Computer Lockup Problems
- Using Product Codes for Machine Positioning in the XL200 Series Controller
- Using Setup Configurations in the XL200 Series Controller
- Using Tool Configurations in the XL200 Series Controller
- XL200 Direct Ethernet Communication with Eclipse Classic
- Bar Code Scanners
- Bar Code Scanners for Data Entry
- Boosted Dies
- Calculating Press Reaction
- Checking Press Consistency with Oscilloscopes
- DIP Switch Configuration
- Punch Programming on the XL200
- Sending Saved Parameters or Tool Libraries from Eclipse Classic to XL Controller
- Understanding the XL200 Part Queue
- Using Product Codes for Machine Positioning in the XL200 Series Controller
- Using Setup Configurations in the XL200 Series Controller
- Using the Stitching Feature
- Using Tool Configurations in the XL200 Series Controller
- XL200 Error Codes
- XL200 Parameters
- BOSS Shear
- Brake & Hump - XL200CLU
- Calculating Press Reaction
- Checking Press Consistency with Oscilloscopes
- Closed Loop Flying Die / Die Accelerator
- Closed Loop Stopping
- Coil End Point
- Extending XL200 Controls with PLC Integration
- Open Loop Flying Die
- Open Loop Stopping / Feed-to-Stop
- Tailout Sensor
Eclipse Support
- A Case for Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
- Benefits of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) - Deutsch
- Coil Inventory Management with CIM
- Improving Production Capacity with Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
- Mistakes Happen! CIM for Mistake Prevention in Roll Forming
- Roll Forming and Industry 4.0
- The Quality Gap
- Automatically Starting Eclipse Classic
- Cable Specifications for RS Communication
- Coil Validation
- Creating an Eclipse Classic Package File
- Deleting Done Orders in Eclipse Classic
- Eclipse Classic Hardware Requirements
- Eclipse Classic Permissions - XLSecurity.exe
- Eclipse Connections
- Eclipse Data Exchange Options
- Establishing Communication with Eclipse
- Implementing Scrap, Delay, and Employee Codes in Eclipse Classic
- Interfacing Eclipse to External Data Systems - Importing and Exporting
- Material Code Query
- Missing Snapshot or Dates for Reports in Eclipse Classic
- Order Downloading Options in Eclipse Classic
- Performing Eclipse Classic Automatic Backups
- Performing Eclipse Classic Manual Backups
- Preventative Maintenance Made Easy
- Replacing a Controller / Recovery from a Memory Clear
- Reporting from Archived Data
- Reporting from Archived Data
- Requesting Eclipse Classic Support
- Sending Saved Parameters or Tool Libraries from Eclipse Classic to XL Controller
- Using a Proxy Server
- VLINX ESR901 Converter Installation and Configuration
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Pathfinder Support
- Calibrating the Backgauge - Pathfinder v2
- Calibrating the Machine - Pathfinder v2
- Calibrating the Touchscreen - Pathfinder v2
- Cleaning Controller Screens
- Extracting the Pathfinder SDF from a 5XXX/6XXX Machine
- Installing TeamViewer
- Pathfinder PC Backup/Restore/Import Procedure - Pathfinder v2
- Pathfinder PC BIOS Configuration - 5X00
- Pathfinder PC BIOS Configuration - 6X00
- Solving Memory Loss and Computer Lockup Problems
- XL250BB Backup/Restore Function
- FoldGuard Alignment Guide
- FoldGuard Alignment Guide - LZS-2-FG
- FoldGuard Brochure
- FoldGuard Encoder Installation Manual 1-02
- FoldGuard Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- FoldGuard Operation Manual
- FoldGuard System Installation Manual 1-06
- FoldGuard System Installation Manual 1-07
- Laser Distortion Causes and Solutions Manual 1-02
MP Series Support
- MP300 Series Controller Manual
- MP300CL Series Controller Manual
- MP325 Manual
- MP328 Gripper Manual
- MP328CL Gripper Manual
- MP338 Backgauge Manual
- MP338DH Dual Backgauge Manual
- MP342 Manual
- MP343 Manual
- MP350PFD Manual
- MP450S Installation Guide
- MP465 Installation Guide
- MP465 Operator Manual
- MP465N Operator Manual NTM
Pathfinder Edge Support
- Accessing Pathfinder Edge
- Installing TeamViewer
- Logging into Pathfinder Edge
- Pathfinder Edge - Profile Object Format
- Pathfinder Edge Published API
- Print an Approval or Production Sheet - Edge
- Understanding Settings - Edge
- Using Categories and Subcategories - Edge
- Using the Profile Editor - Edge
- Using the Profile Library - Edge
Eclipse Pro Support
- Alert: Eclipse-COMM may be offline
- Alert: Material code XXXXXXXX does not correspond to a known material
- Checking the Status of Eclipse Pro Services
- Connect to Eclipse Pro from a Network Connected Device
- Eclipse Pro Hardware Requirements
- Eclipse Pro Product Sheet
- Eclipse Pro Product Sheet - Spanish
- Eclipse Pro Release Notes
- Eclipse Pro Scheduler
- Eclipse Pro Wallboard Andon App Setup
- Error: "Duplicate material codes. MATERIAL =..."
- Machine Performance Standards
- Nucor Case Study
- Requesting Eclipse Pro Support
- Schedule Sync Table Definition
- Updating Eclipse Pro
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Accessories Support
- 4805-XX and 3805-XX Encoder Cable Comparison
- BRKT-2 Assembly STEP File
- Encoder 10-Turn Test
- Encoder Bracket BRKT-1 Dimensional Drawing
- Encoder Bracket BRKT-2 Assembly Dimensional Drawing
- Encoder Bracket BRKT-2 Dimensional Drawing
- Encoder Brochure
- Encoder Sell Sheet
- Encoder Splitter 6390 Electrical Block Diagram
- Encoder Splitter 6390 Sell Sheet
- Encoder Splitter 6390 Shell STEP File
- Encoder Splitter Module 6390 Guide
- Encoder STEP File
- Encoder Tracking and Mounting
- Encoder Wheel KMW Dimensional Drawing
- Encoder Wheel PMW Dimensional Drawing
- KMW-12 Knurled Encoder Wheel STEP File
- NXXXX Encoder Assembly STEP File
- Scrap Reduction Using Two Encoders
- Troubleshooting Encoder Alignment
- Show all articles ( 5 ) Collapse Articles
Legacy Product Support
- About the MP401
- Cleaning Controller Screens
- CMP1000 Reference Manual
- CMP11-10 Reference Manual
- CMP12 Reference Manual
- MP100 Reference Manual
- MP101 Reference Manual
- MP101 v2 Reference Manual
- MP103 Reference Manual
- MP103 v3 Reference Manual
- MP237 Reference Manual
- MP257 Reference Manual
- MP37 Reference Manual
- MP38 Reference Manual
- MP39 Reference Manual
- MP401 User Manual
- MP43 Reference Manual
- MP44 Reference Manual
- MP450 Installation Guide
- MP450 Operator Manual
- MP450S Installation and Technical Reference Manual
- MP450S Installation Guide
- MP450S Operator Manual
- MP450Z Operator Manual
- MP46 Reference Manual
- MP465N Operator Manual NTM
- MP54 Reference Manual
- MP55 Reference Manual
- MP550 Operator Manual
- MP56 Reference Manual
- MP57 Reference Manual
- Show all articles ( 16 ) Collapse Articles
Closed Loop Stopping
Closed Loop Stopping Key Features
- Very high accuracy
- Higher cost (servo system and associated components)
- Production rate depends on spacing of targets & dwell times
- Roll-feeder slip may require the use of second encoder
Closed loop stopping systems are similar to the open loop stopping systems but they can offer a much higher level of performance (both throughput and accuracy). Whereas an open-loop system’s accuracy depends largely on the repeatability of the equipment and consistent conditions, a closed loop system can provide great results regardless of these outside factors.
The motion profile of a closed loop stopping system is very similar to that of a single speed open loop system. The main difference is that the controller can accurately control the material movement so that as soon as the deceleration ramp is completed, the metal is positioned exactly under the desired punch or shear tool.

Closed loop feed-to-stop machines use servo systems to achieve very tight tolerances compared to other length control methods. Accuracy in this application is often ± 0.003” (0.08 mm) or better. Throughput is lower on stopping equipment since material must stop for press operations, but proper servo sizing based on the material load can help minimize the impact of stops.
The most common applications for closed loop stopping control are pre-punch systems where the hole-to-hole tolerance is critical or where flying punches would be impractical. Pre-punch/pre-cut operations are common on applications such as purlin machines. Because purlins can have such a wide range of profiles, it is more flexible to do all of the punching and cutting while the material is flat.
Movement of the material is typically accomplished through a roll feeder that pushes or pulls the material through the punch or cut presses. In some cases, both entry and exit roll feeders are used. The alternative to using a roll feed is to control the material position by moving the entire roll former. This can require a much larger servo system (vector drives are often used) since substantially higher inertia/mass must be driven.
Material Encoders
Since servos have their own feedback system, a system run by a servo motor is capable of extremely accurate positioning. Using the feedback of the servo motor in a feeder type of application can provide very good results on finished part tolerances, because the system is generally tracking the feed roll motion to ≈ 0.0002” (0.005 mm). Unfortunately, using the servo as the feedback for length control isn’t always practical. Slip between the powered feed rolls and the material surface is common. In these cases, a second, un-powered material encoder is required to maintain accuracy.
When the XL200CL controller is configured for two-encoder mode, the system will switch to close the position loop around the material encoder instead of the servo motor. For safety reasons, if the difference between the material encoder and the feedback from the servo motor grow too large (indicating excessive slip), the controller will halt the system with an error.
Loop Control
The following drawing shows a very typical machine configuration:

Closed Loop Stopping Pre-Punch + Roll Former + Flying Cut
The roll feed controls the material moving through the punch press. The punched material goes into a loop (sometimes with a deep pit) before running into the roll former. This loop is necessary since the roll former is moving at a constant speed while the feeder is constantly starting and stopping. The roll feed is normally designed to run at a much higher speed than the roll former. A good design is to have the worst-case throughput of the punching system be higher than the speed of the roll former. This prevents the loop from being pulled out by the roll former.
If the roll feed is running faster than the roll former, there needs to be something that prevents the loop from quickly filling up with metal. On the XL200CL controller, the FEED OK input provides that feature. This input is normally tied to the loop full sensor so that the controller will stop feeding material when the loop is full.
Machine Threading
Another feature of the XL200CL controller is the SLOW RUN input. This is typically used when loading a new coil. The material must be threaded through the punching presses and other machine elements. Rather than filling up the entire machine with metal before starting to punch (which would result in a machine initially full of scrap), it is possible to start punching the first part as the material is loaded by using the SLOW RUN input. As the name indicates, it is a run (automatic mode) input that puts the feeder at a jog speed instead of normal production speed. It is necessary that the proper safeguards and safety systems be put in place so that the operator is not in harm’s way during the loading process.
Closed loop stopping systems are very common solutions to achieving accuracy on punching applications. Although the initial equipment cost is higher than an open loop solution, the system is essentially immune to external conditions and requires no “tweaking” by the operator.