Pathfinder v5 Release Notes
Pathfinder v5 releases are only compatible with Pathfinder PCs that are running .NET Framework 4.6. Pathfinder 6000 series PCs are incompatible with this framework. These PCs can only receive v4 releases. See notes for v5.00.00.3073 for more information.
Known issues resolved in this update include:
- New input to confirm the bypass throttle is not on to confirm we are indeed in a slow speed state.
- Various jog buttons were such that if a user drug their finger off of the button before lifting the finger off the screen, the axis might keep moving. This is corrected.
- Added Error 397 Manual Shear Must Be Returned to Park Position
- Added new 5226 Firmware
Configuration updates:
- Update JornsHyperDriveFlex Configuration to match universal I/O
Known issues resolved in this update include:
- Clamp Laser Timeout parameters don’t send down as integers
- Added Clamp Laser Parameters to Thalmann Configurations
- Added new 5226 Firmware
Configuration updates:
- Added ThalmannTD-WithAccumulator-ClosedLoop Configuration
- Added function to make sure firmware is up to date
Configuration updates:
- Added ThalmannTD-WithAccumulator Configuration
- Added Parameter 732 Clamp Laser Lockout Delay
- Added Parameter 733 Clamp Laser Valid Move Delay
- Publish Builds to Azure Blob Storage
Configuration updates:
- Added ThalmannThakoV2SchneiderElectricServo_Analog Configuration
- Added New JornsHyperDriveFlex Configuration
Known issues resolved in this release include:
- ThalmannThakoV2SchneiderElectricServo_Analog Named Wrong
- Fix For New Resource Strings Getting Added To the Wrong Resx
Known issues resolved in this release include:
- Fixed touch screen issues in DRPC-130 PC
- Added new 5226 Firmware
Known issues resolved in this release include:
- More support for new PC touchscreen
Configuration updates:
- Added ASCv4 Configuration
- Added ASCv4_Hemmer Override Configuration
Known issues resolved in this release include:
- Rev G Firmware Had Wrong Version Number
- Support for new PC touchscreen.
- Allow Multi Cut feature to use all gauging options.
- Don’t subtract finger distance for backgauge only in slitter.
Configuration updates:
- Added New JornsSingleBendFullRetrofitFGHandshake Configuration
- Added JornsSingeBendFullRetrofitPartialV2 Configuration
- Added New Geometries to JouanelPTL31 Configuration
- Added Rev G As An Option On All 5226 Json Configurations
- Added Latest Rev E and F Firmware File
- Added Rev G Firmware Build
- Added RASTurboBendLight4000DR Configuration
- Regression fix where recent PFPC releases could not talk to 5223 and 5225 motion controllers.
- Connection status views account for exceptions returned by controllers.
- Allow max gripper offset and min gripper offset to be set to the same value.
Configuration updates:
- Update SASV2 base configuration.
- Update SchechtlSigmatek305 configuration.
- Improved gripper offset calculation when gripping around a hem. The calculation of a gripper offset has been improved when gripping around a hem. First, the new parameter Hem Flange No Grip Zone defines a length of a hem that the gripper must avoid. A gripper is allowed to partially grip on a hem (if this value is small enough). A large value will disallow gripping on the hem whatsoever. If this parameter is larger than the hem itself, it will be ignored, allowing the gripper to position right up next to, but not on, the hem.
- Another new parameter, Gripper Air Space Offset, augments the existing gripper shape data. This parameter defines the distance from the inside edge (as in, opposite of the nose) of the gripper jaws to the backgauge. In other words, Max Gripper Offset minus Gripper Air Space Offset would give the width of the gripper “pads.”
- Eclipse Pro Integrated User Accounts. Pathfinder now supports getting its list of users from an Eclipse Pro installation. With this change, there are now two types of Pathfinder user accounts: local and Pro. Local accounts (which traditionally have been ADMINISTRATOR, OPERATOR, and DEMO) remain unchanged. Pro accounts are created in Eclipse Pro, and can be set to one of three roles (Administrator, Operator, None).
- To use this feature, Pathfinder will need the Pro URL added to its settings. It will then connect to Pro, but will not be able to access users (or any other data) until a Pro Administrator has authorized them to do so (which simply means said user clicks the “Allow” button that is presented in Pro on a list of connected Pathfinders.) Pro users (who have been granted the correct roles) will be able to log into the connected Pathfinders.
- Additionally, Pathfinders connected in this way will be reporting a very light initial version of production data. Just enough data to fill out some basic Pro explorers.
- Updated 5226 firmware package to v4.03.02.
Configuration updates:
- Added configuration base for Jorns Twin Pro Closed Loop V2.
- Increase Retained Log File Data. An enhancement has been made to Pathfinder to retain more log file data. The size limit for each system log file has been increased to 4MB, and the number of retained archived log files has been increased to 10.
Configuration updates:
- Removed backgauge home limit from BradburyV2 configuration
Known issues resolved in this release include:
- Unhandled NullReferenceException thrown by HandleManipulationChanges. There existed a bug in Pathfinder where an unhandled NullReferenceException could be thrown by HandleManipulationChanges when opening a profile. This bug has been fixed.
- Logging Config Not in Build Output. A bug was introduced to Pathfinder in a recent maintenance release such that the logging configuration file was not being copied to the build output. This caused logging to stop working on fresh software installations. Upgraded installations were unaffected. This bug has been fixed.
- Duplicate Log Entries. There existed a bug in Pathfinder where log entries would be recorded twice in the system log file. This bug has been fixed.
- Reintroduced Source Property in Diagnostics Data. A change has been made to Pathfinder to reintroduce the Source property in diagnostic datablocks.
- Upgrade Reactive Extensions. A change has been made in Pathfinder to remove the homegrown reactive extensions implementation and replace its usages with references to the official reactive extensions implementation.
- Change Primary Key of PathfinderUser Table. A change has been made to make the “UserName” column the primary key for the “PathfinderUser” table.
- Enhanced Diagnostic Sequence Data. A change has been made to Pathfinder to add more detail to the sequence information that gets published to diagnostics each time a profile is sent to the controller. This is to make it easier to use the sequence data for the purpose of optimizing sequencer settings.
Configuration updates:
- Updated JouanelPTS31 and JouanelPTL31 configurations to include parameter changes and new geometries.
- Added new TensolH300 configuration.
- Added Parameter 311 – Clamp Positioning Tolerance – to JornsFlex, JornsRabco, and JornsSingleBendFullRetrofitV2OpenLoop configurations.
Known issues resolved in this release include:
- Correct German Translation. The German translation for the “E-Stopped” status has been corrected.
- Clamp Pressure Not Set Properly in Non-Graphical View. A bugfix has been made to Pathfinder that corrects an issue where the material-defined clamp pressure would not be populated in operations by default in the non-graphical profile editor.
- User Axis Override Not Persisted. A bugfix has been made to Pathfinder that corrects an issue with axis overrides in user overrides files not being persisted after a user makes parameter changes.
- Restrict Reference Encoder Button to 5223/5225. A change has been made to Pathfinder to restrict the visibility of the “Reference Encoder” button such that it will only be visible when a 5223 or 5225 controller is connected.
Known issues resolved in this release include:
- Reference Encoder Button Displayed for Backgauge. There existed a bug in Pathfinder where the “Reference Encoder” button in the calibration screen would be displayed for the backgauge axis. This button should only appear for the bending beam, clamping beam, or radius adjustment axes when the appropriate reference output is present. This bug has been fixed.
- Allow Competing I/O Pin Assignments. A change has been made to Pathfinder to allow competing I/O pin assignments in configurations, but only if the competing I/O functions are in mutually exclusive feature groups (e.g. Clamp Laser vs. FoldGuard Laser). Two input functions or two output functions can be assigned to the same pin within a configuration, but only one function can be enabled at a time.
- Add Pause on Step Indicator to Operation Summary. An enhancement has been made to Pathfinder to make it easier to tell which operations have the Pause on Step selection. A pause icon will now be visible on the collapsed operation when the Pause on Step option is enabled in that step.
- Only Enable Pause on Step with Grippers. A change has been made to Pathfinder such that the Pause on Step operation option will only be available if the machine has grippers.
- Indicate Service Locator Activity in Splash Screen. An enhancement has been made to Pathfinder to display a status message on the splash screen while Pathfinder is fetching information from the service locator endpoint. Previously, the splash screen would already be closed when fetching this info, which could lead to a significant period of time passing with no window open if the operation times out.
- Parameters for Pause on Step Default Behavior. New parameters have been added to Pathfinder to control the default behavior for enabling the Pause on Step function for each operation in a graphical profile. Parameter 756 – Pause on Hem Closes (Default) – determines whether the Pause on Step function will be enabled by default on all hem close operations. Parameter 757 – Pause After Loading Step (Default) – determines whether the Pause on Step function will be enabled by default on the step following a loading step. Parameter 758 – Pause After Manipulation Steps (Default) – determines whether the Pause on Step function will be enabled by default following each manipulation step (turn, flip, rotate).
- Publish More Profile Info to Diagnostics. An enhancement has been made to Pathfinder to publish profile feature information and the selected geometry with the operation details that get logged to diagnostics each time a profile is sent to the controller.
- Publish Pathfinder Version and Machine Type to Diagnostics. An enhancement has been made to publish the current running Pathfinder version and the currently selected machine type to diagnostics each time Pathfinder starts up.
Configuration updates:
- Added Clamp Laser input to all Thalmann single-bend configurations.
- Removed FoldGuardClampingBeamLaser input from JornsTwinmaticClosedLoop and JornsTwinmaticClosedLoopv2 configurations.
- Updated axis definitions in RASV1 configuration.
- Added parameters 756, 757, and 758 to all configurations.
Known issues resolved in this release include:
- Gripper Zone Button Visible with Only One Gripper Zone. There existed a bug in Pathfinder where the Gripper Zone Button in the main dialog would still be visible even when there is only one available gripper zone. This bug has been fixed.
- Unhandled Exception Thrown by GetPresenter. There existed a bug in Pathfinder where an unhandled exception could be thrown by PresenterFactory.GetPresenter if a message dialog was displayed prior to the main dialog being visible. This bug has been fixed.
- .NET Framework Upgrade. The .NET Framework used by Pathfinder has been upgraded from .NET Framework 2.0 to .NET Framework 4.6. This breaks compatibility with Windows XP. Windows 10 comes with .NET Framework 4.6 installed by default. Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8 support .NET Framework 4.6, but the framework must be installed manually.
For Pathfinder installations on 7000 series PC hardware, .NET Framework 4.6 is already supported, so no additional work is needed to install this update.
Pathfinder installations on 6000 series or earlier PC hardware do not support this update. The last major Pathfinder version supported on 6000 series PC hardware is Pathfinder v4. - SQL Compact Version Upgrade. The version of SQL Compact used by Pathfinder for profile and diagnostics database storage has been upgraded from v3.5 to v4.0. SQL Compact v4.0 includes bug fixes that should resolve some database-related Pathfinder crashes seen in the field.
- Enable Overriding a Single Calibration Table. An enhancement has been made to Pathfinder that allows overriding a single axis calibration table in an override file. Previously, calibration overrides could only be done by overriding the entire set of all axis calibration tables. Now, both methods are supported.